Pinangki Is Still A State Civil Apparatus And Receives A Salary, Observers Suspect That They Are Privileged
Former Prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari (Photo: Indra/VOI)

JAKARTA - A legal observer from Trisakti University, Abdul Fickar Hadjar, suspects that there are privileges given to Pinangki Sirna Malasari. Because, even though he has become a convict, Pinangki is still a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and receives a salary.

"Yes, you can (Pinangki is privileged)", said Fickar to VOI, Thursday, August 5.

Pinangki is privileged, said Fickar, because it has become part of the Attorney General's Office. This means that there is an effort to ease the burden on Pinangki, who was a prosecutor.

"There is an element of esprit de corps, so it seems special", he said.

In addition, Fickar also considered that Pinangki should no longer be a State Civil Apparatus and receive a salary. This is because the decision in the bribery case for the administration of the Supreme Court's fatwa is already Inkrah (fixed).

"People who have been punished and dismissed from work should no longer receive their rights, including salaries", said Fickar.

According to him, the prosecutor had made a mistake as the executor. They should have conveyed information about Pinangki's sentence which had permanent legal force or was signed by the state treasurer.

"If you still (receive a salary) it means the prosecutor's negligence as the executor. The prosecutor should have informed the state treasurer as a basis for stopping salary payments", said Fickar.

Previously, former Pinangki prosecutor Sirna Malasari was executed at the Class II B Tangerang Women's and Children's Correctional Institution. Pinangki was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

However, the status of Pinangki prosecutor Sirna Malasari as a State Civil Apparatus is still attached. In fact, Pinangki still receives a salary.

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