Violence Against Women And Children In East Kalimantan Reaches 1,386 Complaints Since 2019
Participants of the Violence Victim Assistance Training for Service Institutions taking a photo with resource persons during the opening in Samarinda (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - The number of violence against women and children in East Kalimantan Province since 2019 is quite high, reaching 1,386 complaints and being followed up.

"This number is based on data in the Online Information System for the Protection of Women and Children (PPA Symphony)," said the Head of the Population, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Agency (DKP3A) of East Kalimantan Province, Noryani Sorayalita in Samarinda, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, June 16.

The details of this number of violent incidents come from 2019 as many as 629 complaints, in 2020 there were 612 complaints, and until June 11, 2021, as many as 145 complaints.

Of this number, he continued, complaints were dominated by cases of physical domestic violence (KDRT) as many as 277 cases in 2019, as many as 255 cases in 2020, and 72 cases as of June 11, 2021.

While the second most complaints were cases of sexual violence, which were 200 cases in 2019, then 226 cases in 2020, and 52 cases as of June 11, 2021.

"Given the large number of cases that have occurred, it is necessary to have assistants who have knowledge and skills in handling victims of violence in the regions," she said accompanied by the Secretary of East Kalimantan DKP3A Eka Wahyuni.

When making the Victims of Violence Assistance Training for Service Institutions, Eka also said that the training for the facilitators was very important so that they understood their duties and functions when handling the case.

This training was attended by 30 participants from UPTD PPA districts/cities throughout East Kalimantan. Present as speakers were the Head of the Maratua Acceleration Team, Meiliana, Head of PPPA Junainah, Head of SIGA Iwan Heriawan, and Psychologist of the Inka Psychology Bureau Alzena Samarinda Siti Mahcepat I K.

"Psychological assistance efforts are needed by psychologists to help recover victims of violence, so we also involve psychologists in this training," said Eka.

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