The MKD DPR Will Summon The Reporter, Azis Syamsuddin
Azis Syamsuddin/ANTARA

JAKARTA - Chairman of the House of Representatives Honorary Council (MKD) Aboe Bakar Al Habsyi said the Plenary Meeting of the MKD decided to immediately summon the reporters of alleged violations of the code of ethics Deputy Chairman of the DPR Azis Syamsuddin.

"Of the five reports (related to Azis Syamsuddin), three reports are complete and two still need to be completed. We agree to summon all the reporters," said Aboe Bakar, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 18.

He said MKD would carry out an investigation regarding the report against Azis Syamsuddin within the planned time and would proceed as soon as possible.

According to him, the initial step that the MKD would take was to summon the reporters one by one to be asked for clarification regarding the reports against Azis Syamsuddin.

"One by one we will summon the reporters, it is impossible to summon them at the same time," he said.

Aboe Bakar said MKD would not summon the reported party, namely Azis Syamsuddin before his party had finished asking for clarification from the reporters.

However, the PKS Secretary General was reluctant to reveal what points MKD would ask the reporters because it was confidential so that it could not be revealed to the public.

In addition, Aboe Bakar said the Plenary Meeting of the MKD also discussed the program schedule and work plan of the MKD during the Fifth Session Period for the 2020-2021 Session Year.

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