Fasting Month, ASN In South Sulawesi Instead Of Cockfighting Gambling, Finally They Are Taken To The Police Station
The police raided the cockfighting gambling players. Three people were arrested by the police, one of whom has the status of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) (DOK Kep Polisi)

NORTH TORAJA - North Toraja Police Team, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) raided cockfighting gambling players. Three people were arrested by the police, one of whom had the status of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

"The police arrested three suspected cockfighting gamblers, one of whom was an ASN," said Head of Public Relations of North Toraja Police, Ipda Agus Martopo, to reporters, Wednesday, April 21.

The three of them were raided by police while playing cockfighting on Tuesday, April 21 in Nonongan Lembang, Sopai District, Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi.

The perpetrators, including ASN along with evidence, were brought to the police station for legal proceedings. The perpetrators of cockfighting gambling are charged under Article 303 of the Criminal Code.

During the arrest, evidence was also secured in the form of 3 fighting chickens, 11 fighting cock spurs, one whetstone, Rp2 million in cash, 2 mobile phones and one motorbike.

"Currently, the suspected perpetrator and evidence are secured at the North Toraja Police Headquarters for further proceedings, and the criminal suspect is Article 303 of the Criminal Code," said Ipda Agus.

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