JAKARTA - The Containder neighborhood start-up partnered with Sucofindo and all levels of Balinese society, the Badung Regency Government, TNI, PolRI and Bali students, managed to make history by collecting 3 tons of garbage in just 1 hour during the beach clean action which started at 07.30 on Sunday, February 2, at Kedongan Beach, Bali.
The beach clean action, which is part of the Official Launch of the Containder Application in Bali, was attended by hundreds of participants, dominated by local communities and volunteers.
This action is fully funded independently by the community, which is fully supported by the Badung Bali Regency Government, through the Environmental Service. This collaboration succeeded in clearing the coast of plastic waste, glass, and other waste that could potentially threaten the marine ecosystem.
Billy Mambrasar, Founder of Containder expressed his concern for the full support of the Balinese.
"I am very touched and grateful because CONTANDER can gain the trust and support of the Balinese people. This is clear evidence that no one needs to be a partner alone and blame other parties. Containder decided to unite the Community, Government, and Private in joint action for good," he said with enthusiasm.
This action marks the official operation of Containder in Bali, as a form of expansion of his activities throughout Indonesia, after previously successfully carrying out the same action in Biak, Papua.
In the easternmost province, Continder together with Unilever, have managed to collect 300 tons of plastic waste in one year, contribute to reducing poverty by 40 percent, and creating jobs for the local community. In 2025, apart from Bali and Papua, Continder will start its operations in 10 provinces, partnering with Sucofindo and the Indonesian Ministry of Environment.
I Wayan Puspa Negara, Member of Commission I DPRD Badung Regency who was also present at this time's waste-clean action, expressed his full support for Containder's operations in Bali.
"We will continue to keep Bali clean. We are ready to support and assist Containder in Bali. The presence of Containder will help the government overcome the waste problem which has been a big challenge for this area," he said.
"Thank you very much Continder for helping to keep Bali clean and comfortable for us to live and be active. We are ready to always support and be involved in the next activity," said Dhaneswara, a young Balinese native who was present as a volunteer.
The day before, the Head of the Badung Regency Environment Agency, representing the Regent, officially launched the Containder and stated that the Badung Regional Government would become an official contact partner in Bali Province.
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