Ashanty Hermansyah expressed her frustration because the land inherited from her late father, Soejahjo Hasnoputro, covering an area of 5,000 meters in Parung, Kapupaten Bogor, is suspected of being a victim of the land mafia.
"Because of that, my inheritance and my father in the past when they just returned here, there were still a few buying lands, there were one or two that turned out to be a problem," said Ashanty, quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Tuesday, January 28.
"We have opened communication for several years to find a solution but suddenly it has been sold again to people even though he knows that land ownership is mine and there is also him," he continued.
Having not found a way out, it turns out that the land area of 5000 square meters belonging to his father is thought to have been sold to another developer.
"What I don't accept is that he sells to other developers just because for that, we have established communication on how to find solutions for both of us," he said.
Regarding this issue, Ashanty said that he had asked the Ministry of ATR/BPN for help so that this problem could be resolved immediately.
"We have complained to the ministry and also to ATR/BPN to ask for a check, now we are also being helped," explained Ashanty.
He believes that this case can be resolved soon because all ownership documents and payment transactions to pay for the land are in his hands.
"God willing, as long as we are right, all the signs of purchases are there, and my father lives, there is a sign of payment, so now we are taking care of it and we are still making money so how can we find a solution again," he said.
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