Chinese Citizen Madiun Welcomes Chinese New Year 2025 With Kimsin Ritual
The cleaning is in order to welcome the Chinese New Year on January 29, 2025. BETWEEN ANTARA/Louis Rika.

JAKARTA - Chinese residents in Madiun City, East Java, carry out the Kimsin ritual in preparation for the 2025 Chinese New Year. This ritual involves cleaning up or cleaning up the gods and goddesses contained in the Place of Worship of Tri Dharma (TITD) Hwie Ing Kiong or Klteng Madiun.

Chairman of Sie Religious and Deputy Public Relations I TITD Hwie Ing Kiong, Martino Liem, explained that there were as many as 22 pieces that were cleaned in the procession. Before starting the cleaning, residents first perform a ritual to ask for permission from the gods. After the energy from the gods goes up to theulangan, according to their belief, then the cleaning procession can be carried out.

"We need two days to clean up the looks," Martino was quoted as saying by ANTARA.

This bathing process is not only cleaning it from dust or dirt, but also has a sacred meaning as part of welcoming the new year. This is expected to bring positive changes and encourage each individual to be better.

Cleaning is done with warm water and flowers, as well as using new equipment such as brushes and laps. Those involved in this ritual must also prepare themselves by cleaning the body, chatting, and even on a vegetarian diet as a form of self-sufficiency. In addition, they are also taught to throw away bad thoughts and intend to become a better person.

Chinese New Year's Worship at TITD Hwie Ing Kiong Madiun is scheduled for January 28 at 22.00, followed by more than 100 Chinese residents in the city. Martino hopes that, with the coming of the snake year represented by wood elements, it will bring a positive transformation and growth in a better direction for all people.

"The thread is a symbol of change, and the wood symbolizes growth. We hope this year will bring change to all of us," he added.

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