JAKARTA - Deputy Secretary-General of the Democratic Party's DPP, Jovan Latuconsina, emphasized that his party did not object or refuse if President Prabowo Subianto intended to embrace the PDIP to join the government coalition.
Previously, the assumption that PDP refused to enter the Prabowo government coalition emerged after the General Chairperson of PD, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, revealed that he had been sidelined for ten years when PD intended to join President Joko Widodo's government for the 2014-2024 period.
The Democratic Party is committed to the success of the Prabowo government. We will continue to oversee and fight so that this government can provide optimal benefits and impacts for the people of Indonesia," he said, Sunday, January 26, 2025.
Therefore, PD will continue to fully support the government, including if Prabowo wants PDIP to enter his government. We really believe that what is the vision and mission of Pak Prabowo's program for Indonesia. For that, we also fully support anyone, any elements of the nation that Pak Prabowo invites to fight together. Both in government and outside the government," he added.
According to Jovan, so that the government can run with success, cooperation from various parties is needed to be able to solve various problems faced by the government. The problem of this nation is so complex. The geopolitical situation is also full of challenges. We need cooperation and togetherness with as many elements of the nation as possible," he said.
He stated that what was conveyed by the General Chairperson of PD, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, was a reflection of PD's journey so that all cadres would not waste the opportunity to serve the nation. "PD does not want the momentum to serve the nation and state with Pak Prabowo's government to be in vain. We hope to do what is best for the Indonesian people," concluded Jovan.
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