Reasons Many People Want To Become Civil Servants: What Makes It So Interesting?
The reason many people want to become civil servants (Instagram @dianrsd)

YOGYAKARTA - Being a Civil Servant (PNS) is the dream of many people in Indonesia. From the younger generation to adults, the position of civil servants has always been one of the most targeted careers. This phenomenon is influenced by various factors that make this profession so attractive. Let's discuss more about the reasons why many people want to become civil servants and why this work has extraordinary appeal.

1. Stable Work Guarantee

One of the main reasons why many people are interested in becoming civil servants is stable job guarantees. After passing the trial period, a civil servant has a permanent employee status that is very difficult to dismiss, except in special cases. This stability provides a sense of security in terms of finance and the future of a career.

2. Interesting Salaries and Allowances

In addition to competitive basic salary, civil servants also get various benefits such as family allowances, transportation, and performance. Coupled with annual bonuses such as Holiday Allowances (THR) and 13th salary which significantly increase income.

3. Guaranteed Retirement

One of the biggest attractions to become a civil servant is the existence of pension guarantees. After retiring, a civil servant still receives a pension every month, which provides financial security until old age. This is a determining factor for many people who seek long-term stability.

4. High Social Status

PNS professions are often associated with higher social status in society. Many people view civil servants as a prestigious and respected job, especially in certain areas. This status adds to the attractiveness of the position as a government employee.

5. Opportunities to Contribute to the State

Being a civil servant also provides an opportunity to contribute directly to the development of the country. Many people feel proud to be able to play a role in public services and improve the quality of life of the community through their work.

6. Regular Working Hours

Most civil servants work has regular working hours, usually from morning to evening. This allows them to have free time with their families or for other activities outside of work, which is an added value in the balance between work life and personal life.

7. Opportunities for a Promotion

The career system in civil servants allows employees to get promotions regularly. This promotion not only increases salaries but also professional status, providing additional motivation for many people to pursue careers in this sector.

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Opportunities To Become A Civil Servant In The Future

The future of a career as a civil servant has prospects that continue to grow along with changes in bureaucratic needs and technological advances. Several opportunities that can be considered include:

1. Digitization and Bureaucratic Transformation

The government is increasingly encouraging digitization to increase the efficiency of public services. This opens up great opportunities for prospective civil servants with expertise in information technology and data management.

2. Expert Needs in Special Fields

Fields such as health, education, and the environment require increasing experts. Profession such as doctors, teachers, and environmental experts is a priority in the appointment of civil servants.

3. Need for Public Policy Innovation

With global challenges constantly changing, civil servants who are able to innovate in public policy will be urgently needed. Data-based policy development and creative solutions will be added value.

4. Focus on Sustainable Services

The government is also increasingly paying attention to sustainability and environmentally friendly. The opportunity to contribute to environmentally friendly projects will be part of the role of civil servants in the future.

By considering all the factors above, it is not surprising that the reason many people want to become civil servants continues to be a relevant topic. Stability, financial guarantees, social status, and opportunities to contribute to the country make this profession very attractive. For those of you who aspire to become a civil servant, mature preparation and strong determination are the keys to achieving this dream.

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