SUKABUMI The Sukabumi Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) is hunting down dozens of motorcycle gang members named "Los Angels" who are suspected of carrying out attacks on residents on Jalan Pramuka, Sukabumi City, West Java, in the early hours of Sunday.
The Head of Subsidy for Documentation and Multimedia Information Management (PIDM) of the Sukabumi City Police, Ipda Ade Ruli Bahtiarudin, explained that this motorcycle gang allegedly used around 50 motorcycles in its action.
"The information we received was that the motorcycle gang was on behalf of the Los Angels group," said Ruli, quoted from ANTARA.
According to residents, almost all members of the motorcycle gang carried various types of sharp weapons to attack residents in the Cikondang Village area, Citamiang District. In the incident, a resident with the initials AY suffered an incision wound to his right elbow due to a sharp weapon attack.
Residents who were furious with the existence of the motorcycle gang had fought back, but it is not yet known whether there were victims from the motorcycle gang. "We have visited the scene and asked for information from residents regarding the chronology of the attack carried out by the Los Angels motorcycle gang," added Ruli.
This motorcycle gang action was detected by members of the West Java Regional Police, Bripka Bunga Fajar, who previously reminded residents to be aware of the motorcycle gang convoy on Jalan Pramuka. Thanks to this information, residents increased night patrol activities to prevent attacks.
At around 02.00 WIB, dozens of motorcycle gang members arrived at the location and immediately launched their actions. However, residents who were already on standby resisted so that clashes could not be avoided. The number of residents who came was increasing, forcing motorcycle gang members to flee.
Allegedly, the majority of these motorcycle gang members are still teenagers. Ipda Ruli appealed to parents to pay more attention to their children's activities, especially at night.
"As much as possible, parents do not give permission to their children to leave the house at night because there is the potential to join a motorcycle gang or become victims or perpetrators of criminal acts," he said.
The police continue to investigate this case and are trying to arrest the perpetrators to maintain security in the Sukabumi area.
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