Former Head Of General Division And Human Resources Of BPR Jepara Artha Questioned About Giving To The Jepara Regency Government
Illustration of the KPK building in Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta. (ANTARA-Fianda Sjofjan Rassat

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that there was a gift given to the Jepara Regency Government regarding the disbursement of business loans by PT BPR Bank Jepara Artha. The giving was examined by a witness who was examined today, Thursday, January 16.

"The witness was investigated regarding the alleged gift giving to unscrupulous persons in the Jepara Regency Government," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika in a written statement to reporters, Thursday, January 16.

Even so, Tessa did not specify the prizes given or the amount. The witnesses examined were the former Head of General Affairs and Human Resources of PT BPR Jepara Artha, Ririn Indrayanti.

"The examination was carried out at the Ditreskrimsus Hall Room of the Central Java Regional Police," he said.

Previously reported, the KPK is investigating allegations of corruption related to disbursement of business loans at PT Bank Percreditan Rakyat Bank Jepara Artha (Perseroda) 2022-2024. The investigation was carried out since last September 24.

A total of five suspects from internal and private elements have been determined. They have the initials JH, IN, AN, AS, and MIA.

In this case, the mode of corruption used was fictitious giving to 39 debtors. State losses due to the actions of the suspects are said to have reached Rp220 billion.

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