Police Chase Men In West Bandung Pour Hard Water On Wife In The Middle Of Divorce Process
The Cimahi Resort Police while conducting a crime scene (TKP) and identifying the perpetrators of sprinkling hard water in West Bandung Regency, West Java, Thursday (16/1/2025). ANTARA/HO-Cimahi Police.

The police are hunting for a man suspected of committing domestic violence (KDRT) by pouring hard water on his wife with the initials AAF in West Bandung Regency.

The Sindangkerta Police Chief, AKP Deden Indrajaya, revealed that the incident occurred at the victim's house which allegedly started from a household conflict that was in the process of being divorced.

"The Cimahi Police have conducted an investigation. The identity of the perpetrator is clear (the victim's husband). Now it is still an investigation, we are after the perpetrator," said Deden in West Bandung, Thursday, January 16, confiscated by Antara.

Deden explained that the perpetrator went to the victim's house with a friend on the grounds of discussing the distribution of assets, including vehicles to be sold.

"So her husband came to the house asking for Gono-gini's property, she and her friend wanted to sell the vehicle. The BPKB gave his wife's vehicle to her husband because there was a potential buyer, just take it because his wife believed she wanted to sell it," he said.

But after that, the perpetrator suddenly poured hard water until it hit the victim's face. Then the perpetrator immediately fled using a Honda Brio car which was originally going to be sold.

"The perpetrator poured the victim's face with a dangerous chemical or hard water, then fled," he said.

As a result of this incident, Deden said that the victim suffered serious burns to the face from the right side to the neck and had to receive intensive care at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung.

"The victim's wound is serious enough that it requires special treatment. Currently, the victim is still being treated at Hasan Sadikin Hospital," said Deden.

He revealed that his party had conducted a crime scene investigation (TKP) and identified the perpetrators to pursue whose identities were known.

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