Mendikdasmen: Sekolah Rakyat Presents Quality Education
Mendikdasmen Abdul Mu'ti ditemui usai menghadiri Tanwir 1 Aisyiyah di Jakarta, Rabu (15/1/2025). (ANTARA/Lintang Budiyanti Prameswari)

JAKARTA - Minister of Elementary and Secondary Education (Mendikdasmen) Abdul Mu'ti stated that people's school programs are able to realize quality education for all.

"So don't think that those who have socio-economic status cannot afford education are not superior. Instead, what the President wants, those who are economically unlucky, have the opportunity to get to study in quality schools," said Mu'ti as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 15.

He ensured that the People's School program which will be managed by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) would not overlap with the Garuda Superior School which will later be managed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Kemendiktisaintek).

"The Minister of Social Affairs has met with us, we just have to try to keep the implementation in line. Well, this may require further discussion across ministries," he said.

He said the Ministry of Education and Culture would look for the right scheme for the Garuda People's School and Superior School programs.

"We'll just have to look for the scheme, so that it doesn't overlap. For example, there is a program that is an Unggul Garuda School, this is a school, but the President gave us directions for the Superior School program to be carried out by the Ministry of Education and Technology, so we have implemented it," he said.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Sosial (Mensos) Saifullah Yusuf atau Gus Ipul menekankan sekolah rakyat dibangun untuk masyarakat yang masuk dalam kategori keluarga penerima manfaat dari golongan miskin ekstrem.

In the future, he said, the construction of people's schools may also involve not only the government, but also the private sector.

"Later, in its implementation, this could be purely from the government, it could also be cooperation with the private sector," he said.

Regarding the people's school building and the development budget, Gus Ipul said it was still in the discussion stage.

Gus Ipul also said that the people's schools that will be built later will resemble boarding schools so that they are not only free and qualified, but can also guarantee the nutritional intake of their students.

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