JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Saifullah Yusuf or Gus Ipul reminded the entire community that in the future the updating of single socio-economic data could also involve community participation through the Cek Bansos application.
He conveyed this after attending a meeting on single socio-economic data with Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment (PM) Muhaimin Iskandar, Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Rini Widyantini, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Rachmat Pambudy, and Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti.
"Through the Social Assistance Check application. There are suggestions, there are objections. So anyone can propose and can argue if they find things that are not appropriate in the field," he said while giving a statement to reporters at the Coordinating Ministry for Community Empowerment (Kemenko PM) office, Jakarta, Monday, January 13, confiscated by Antara.
According to him, updating such data is important in order to adjust all the dynamics related to population data.
"The data submitted later has dynamics. Every day someone dies, someone moves houses, someone moves places like that. Now this will all be updated," he said.
In addition to the participation mechanism through the Social Assistance Check, said Gus Ipul, with formal channels through village governments, sub-districts, to the local Social Service.
Previously, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhaimin Iskandar had said that the single national socio-economic data would be completed in the next two weeks to one month.
"This single national socio-economic data will be completed soon, at least in the next two weeks and one month," he said.
After completion, according to Muhaimin, the data will be a reference for all ministries and institutions in making decisions as well as distributing various development programs.
The completion of the data collection, said Muhaimin, is in line with President Prabowo Subianto's order and will soon be contained in the presidential instruction.
"God willing, the latest president's instructions will be immediately issued regarding the single national socio-economic data," he said.
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