SEMARANG - Secretary of Commission C of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) Danur Rispriyanto emphasized that simple rented flats (rusunawa) are not to be permanently inhabited, but only temporary.
"We will have an evaluation, waiting from Perkim (Disperkim) to go to the field, including flats in Mangunharjo," he said, in Semarang, Thursday.
According to him, the designation of the flats is actually temporary to help people who have not been able to access residential ownership.
"Let them also know, (the city government) made the flats not to provide him forever to live there," he said.
However, he said, preparing those who do not have enough money to temporarily stay in the flats, while they save from their work.
"There is a time limit. If it's been, 5 or 10 years, at least you have a shadow 'I'm going to the school, I'm going to save my tuku omah' (must come out of the flat and buy my own house)," he said.
So, he said, do not let those who get access to live in the Rusunawa are people who use it for personal gain.
"Some have five, six (rooms, ed.) and continue to 'contract' (contracted, ed.). Therefore, we will go to the field first to hear public complaints," he said.
In fact, he said, regional regulations (perda) could be initiated later regarding the proper management of the flats as a reference for the ranks of regional apparatus organizations (OPD).
"Maybe because the OPD has not yet had any reference regarding the management of flats. So, the initiation may be the regional regulation for the management of flats," he said.
He said that the pilot for good flat management actually already exists, namely in Yogyakarta with a set of mechanisms, including the time limit.
"The management of the flats is already good in Jogja. There is a time limit. So, the flats there are only temporary, to prepare for the purchase of a house (for the occupants, ed.)," he said.
With such regulations, he said, flat tenants already have an orientation that they have to save to buy their own house in the next few years.
"While saving, yes, stay in the flats. If the savings are ready, he buys a house, whether the RSS (house is very simple) or what," he said.
Good management of rusunawa, he said, is needed so that there is a regeneration of rusunawa tenants, because all residents of Semarang City who have not been able to access houses have the right to live in flats.
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