Container Truck In Pademangan Jakut Hit By Falling Tree
Fallen Tree In Pademangan, Jakut/ Photo: IST

The rain accompanied by the wind caused a 7 meter high tree to fall and hit a container truck in Kampung Bandan, Pademangan, North Jakarta (Jakut), Wednesday, January 8, at 07.00 WIB.

"Pohon with a height of 7 meters and a width of 30 centimeters hit a container truck parked on the side of the road," said Head of North Jakarta Gulkarmat, Gatot Sulaeman when confirmed, Wednesday, January 8.

Gatot said that apart from hitting the container truck, the tree also covered the road in Kampung Bandan, Pademangan, North Jakarta.

A number of firefighters (Damkar) were deployed to evacuate the trees.

"At 07.01 WIB the initial evacuation. Then evacuated at 07.17 WIB," said Gato

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