Toyota Rush Hits Trotar Until It Rolls Over In Jakut, Driver Admits He's Sleepy Homecoming
Toyota Rush Rolls Over On Jalan Yos Sudarso Jakut/ Photo: Jehan/VOI

The white Toyota Rush with plate number B1074 ZXK had a single accident, rolling over on Jalan Yos Sudarso, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Friday, December 26, at 03.30 WIB.

The driver of the car named Revi (35) who survived the incident explained that he returned from Ciamis, West Java to return to work today.

Revi admitted that his visit to Ciamis enjoyed a vacation with his family in his hometown. He chose to go home early because there was work to be done today.

"I'll go first, I'll have my intention to come back tonight. I have to work today," said Revi when met at the location, Friday, December 26.

Revi drove at a speed of 60 Kilometers/hour to overtake the vehicle in front of him. However, trying to take the fastest path, unknowingly crashing into the sidewalk in front of him.

"So I jumped the car. My goal was to go to Duren Sawit, if I went down I had to turn right. When I took the left hit the pavement. So I didn't see any sidewalks. The speed seemed about 60 km, it really disappeared," he said.

Revi admitted that he was a little tired so that on his way home he lacked concentration and eventually hit the pavement.

"It's really new to go home. There's sleep too," he said.

Revi's car suffered serious damage, fortunately he was not seriously injured. He said he was very grateful that safety was still given in today's incident.

"Alhamdulillah, you are healthy," he concluded.

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