The Strategy To Pick Up The Ball Becomes The House's 'Elang Eyes' To Monitor The Investigation Of Legal Cases
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Political Communication Observer Ari Junaedi assesses that the pick-up strategy carried out by Commission III of the DPR RI in carrying out its supervisory duties on the issue of legal cases is the right step. According to him, this changes the face of the DPR because every legal case never escapes the eyes of the legislators.

"This supervisory step of Commission III of the DPR has become a very progressive step from Senayan. The face of the DPR this time has not changed. Every legal case that takes the attention of the public has never escaped the 'eye eagle' of a member of Commission III," said Ari Junaedi, Monday, December 23.

According to Ari, the 'no viral no justice' phenomenon, which has been used to solve law enforcement officers, has been broken by the supervisory function of Commission III of the DPR.

"The apparatus became more and more reactive after being summoned or received attention from Commission III of the DPR," said the lecturer for the Postgraduate program at various universities in the country, including at the University of Indonesia (UI).

"For example, in the case of shooting a high school student named Gamma, which was carried out by a police officer, it had almost become professionally unhandled, had there been no 'strengthening' from Commission III of the DPR," added Ari.

The Director of the Nusakom Pratama Institute Political Studies Institute added that the same thing happened in the case of mistreatment of bakeries employees in East Jakarta. If the DPR does not pay attention, Ari believes that the case will escape the attention of the police.

"Including the alleged criminalization of drivers in Palangkaraya related to the murder by police officers," he said.

Ari also highlighted the attitude of a number of members of the DPR, including members of Commission III of the DPR, who often voiced legal cases through their social media accounts. Moreover, several members of the DPR immediately 'picked up' the official social media accounts of law enforcers.

"I often interact with Polri personnel. How scared and horrified they will be if the social media that the members of the council have posted negative behavior of Polri members in the field," said Ari.

"It must be admitted, the strategy of picking up the ball and not waiting for it to go viral from the supervisory steps of Commission III of the DPR provides its own color for the parliament," he continued.

Ari stated that this made the DPR no longer considered only a 'stamp' for government policies.

"The DPR is the hope of the small people for the completion of legal cases that law enforcement officers often ignore," said Ari.

Furthermore, Ari assessed that the proactive steps taken by Commission III of the DPR had saved the face of the DPR, which some considered by the public not working optimally in fighting for the interests of the people.

"And because of Commission III of the DPR, the law is no longer sharp downwards but the law is again enforced in its true proportion," he said.

Ari also considers that the efforts of the DPR, especially Commission III in charge of law enforcement affairs, can be a suppressor as well as a supervisor for the performance of law enforcement officers to work in accordance with their duties and responsibilities professionally.

"Supervision of law enforcement officers is not only carried out by the DPR through a series of summons but also warned through social media channels owned by Council members," said Ari.

Previously, the steps taken by Commission III of the DPR received a lot of attention for carrying out surveillance tasks quickly responding to the legal cases that were being discussed. There are even some cases that are not yet crowded in the public but have received the attention of Commission III of the DPR.

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