718 Foreigners Refused To Enter The Republic Of Indonesia, 108 Of Them Chinese Citizens Because They Are Affected By Alcohol
Bandata Soetta's atmosphere, Tangerang. (Jehan-VOI)

TANGERANG - Immigration at Soekarno Hatta Airport recorded that throughout 2024 the number of Foreign Citizens (WNA) entering Indonesia was 2,730,724. This number also increased from the previous 2,160,404 people.

"Meanwhile, foreigners who left Indonesia through Soetta Airport reached 2,093,797, while in 2023 there were 2,668,615 people," said Head of the Immigration Checkpoint, Bismo Surono to reporters at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang City, Tuesday, December 24.

Although 2.7 million foreigners entered Indonesia, Surono said there were 718 foreigners who were refused entry to Indonesia. This is known based on records received by Soetta Airport Immigration from January 1-15 December 2024.

"As for 130 people, we reject entry, namely immigration reasons for which there is no clear purpose and purpose, the rest are foreign nationals, which are less than 6 months and also do not have Visa," he said.

Moreover, Surono also revealed that of the 718 foreigners who were refused entry to Indonesia, 108 of them were citizens from China. They were rejected with various problems ranging from security to beatings because they were unconscious or influenced by alcohol.

"Because drinking too much alcohol is also a basis for us to be able to refuse and then it is also not missed that we are included in the deterrence system that occurs," he said.

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