Alcohol Party In Ambon Ends In Beating, 3 Students Become Suspects
Illustration of beatings. (Pixabay)

MALUKU - Ambon Island Police and PP Lease detained three students suspected of beating the victim, a FISIP student at Pattimura University (Unpatti) Ambon initials HP (20).

"The three perpetrators each have the initials MM alias Ocen (19), AM alias Agim (18) and AR alias Putra (18) who are also students," said Head of Public Relations of Ambon Island Police Ipda Janete Luhukay in Ambon, Maluku, Friday, December 20, confiscated by Antara.

The perpetrators have now been named suspects and charged under Article 170 Paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code and/or Article 351 Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 9 years in prison.

According to him, this criminal incident began on Wednesday, December 18, where the victim's cellphone was with his friends and the perpetrators sat sitting while drinking alcohol next to a pujasera in Unpatti.

Because he was already drunk, there was a misunderstanding and a verbal altercation between the victim and his friends and the perpetrators, which eventually led to a fight.

"At that time, the AR perpetrator hit the victim once. At the same time, the perpetrators AM and MM helped to fight with the victim and friends of the victim, then immediately hit the victim with one right fist and hit the victim's left cheek, followed by the perpetrator AR beating the victim," he said.

Furthermore, the victim and his friend immediately fled from the crime scene, but the perpetrators of AM and AR immediately chased the victim.

Then the perpetrator MM chased the other victim's friend, but because the perpetrator MM could not catch up with the victim's friend, he returned to the victim.

Then the MM perpetrator saw that many people surrounded the victim lying on the ground.

"The perpetrator MM, who was still emotional, immediately ran and kicked the victim once and hit the victim's head," he said.

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