Requirements For Making A Death Deed, Here's How To Take Care Of It
Death Certificate (

YOGYAKARTA Death Certificate is one of the important civil registration documents. Apart from being authentic evidence of someone's death, the document is also needed by the family of the person left dead to complete administrative requirements in various needs. For those of you who plan to take care, know the requirements for making the latest Death Certificate.

It should be noted that the Death Deed was issued by the Population and Civil Registration Service (Dukcapil). The document was published based on the death report submitted by its heirs.

Quoted from the Dukcapil site of Gunungkidul Regency, the requirements for the Death Deed are divided based on the conditions, namely as follows.

This deed is intended for the deceased who has complete population data in the Population Database. The completeness of the data includes the ownership of an ID card or family card. The requirements required for this category are as follows.

Different conditions apply to people who have died, but their population data has not been recorded in the Population Database. Some of the requirements that need to be prepared are as follows.

This deed was given to residents who died, but their bodies have not been found. The requirements needed are as follows.

It should be noted that the requirements for submitting the Death Deed application can vary in each region, adjusted to the Djcapil's respective policies.

The Death Deed is managed by the heirs or other authorities. Here's how to take care of the Death Deed at the Dukcapil office, quoted from the site

That is the requirement to create a Death Deed. Visit to get other interesting information.

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