VOI Today: Pramono-Rano PR At The Beginning Of His Term Of Office, Make Sure The Citizens' Wages Are According To The UMP. (VOI Video graphics Team)

JAKARTA - The Provincial Minimum Wage or Jakarta UMP rose 6.5 percent, from IDR 5.067 million to IDR 5.396 million. The decision to increase the UMP has been ratified by the Governor of Jakarta, Teguh Setyabudi on December 11, 2024. Currently, Jakarta is still led by the Governor's PJ, because Pramono Anung will only be sworn in on February 7, 2025, the question is whether Pramono Anung and his deputy, Rano Karno, are able to ensure an increase in the UMP in all companies? Check out the information in VOI.ID

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