Bawaslu: Most Hoaxes Related To The 2024 Pilkada On Tiktok
Illustration of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu). (Between)

JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of West Java Province (Jabar) found that the most hate hoaxes and speech in the 2024 Pilkada stages occurred on social media, especially the Tiktok platform.

Chairman of the West Java Province Bawaslu Zacky Muhammad Zam Zam said, of the 192 findings of cyber surveillance results, including hate speech on TikTok, there were up to 142 cases, while hoaxes on the platform contained 36 findings.

The rest, there are 12 cases on the Instagram platform and one case on X for hate speech. Meanwhile, hoaxes were found on a news portal.

"All the findings have been recommended to Komdigi," said Zacky in Bandung, Friday, December 13, as quoted by Antara.

Previously, when met at a gathering and discussion entitled Evaluation and Reflection of the 2024 Pilkada Supervision in West Java, in Bandung Regency, Thursday (12/12), mentioned the official accounts of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada participants in West Java, out of a total of 720 accounts, until the vote counting stages were completed, there were no findings from Bawaslu.

"Not even one yet, but if it's anonymous, the buzzer is still massive on social media," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding violations, said Zacky, from the data he has, the total in the 2024 Pilkada stage in West Java is 270 findings, of which 215 findings are reports that come from the public, candidate pairs, campaign teams, and from monitoring.

"The trend of alleged violations of 182 is an election crime," said Zacky.

He said, as many as 182 types of violations consisted of 26 questions of alleged administrative violations, six code of ethics of the organizers, and 37 other violations.

He also said related to violations of ASN neutrality there were 43 cases, including nine violations of neutrality committed at the village head.

"Then 76 alleged campaign violations, including three campaigns in places of worship or places of prohibition," he said.

He said that of the 182 election crimes, four of them were forwarded to the investigation stage and the verdict was already there.

"There are even those who have already decided, when it comes to ASN neutrality, it's like in Cianjur Regency there has also been a decision," he said.

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