Different Reservations And Bookings, And Types Of Reservations To Know
Differences in reservation and booking. (Booking.com)

YOGYAKARTA - Maybe you've visited a restaurant and found a reservation on one of the empty tables. Well, if you want to sit at that table, restaurant employees will definitely ban you and explain that the empty table has been reserved by someone else.

You may also want to attend a concert and have to feel disappointed because the ticket has run out. The concert committee explained that all tickets have been booked by one of the buyers. So what are the differences in reservation and booking? You can see the explanation below.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of reservation is the manufacture, process, or how to order such as hotels, tickets, goods, places, villas, or other services to a customer.

Well, from the explanation above, we can see that reservation does have a close connection with services. Therefore, we often hear this term in the world of hospitality, restaurants, and other services.

This understanding is also in line with the opinion of the expert, Monaghan (2006), who argues that reservation is a cliical or electronic process where travel products such as airplane tickets, hotel rooms, rooms on cruise ships are available for use and are ultimately purchased by individuals specifically.

Reservations are carried out by people with the aim of avoiding running out of hotel rooms, tables at restaurants, and so on. Therefore, reservations are always made long ago to service providers. Orders and payments by reservation parties are generally made online or in person.

However, are reservations and bookings two different or the same? Basically, both are the same in terms of meaning, namely to order an early service. But there are slight differences in its use. Generally, reservations are used for services that are more private, for example hotel rooms and fine dining at restaurants. While bookings are used for booking tickets, for example tickets to watch movies in cinemas, concerts, plane tickets, and the like.

There are many types of reservations, depending on the ordered service. Reservation also has the type based on the status. So, when ordering a service, you will get the following statuses based on your situation.

The first type of reservation is New Reservation, which is the first reservation made by visitors. When you just order, your reservation will enter as a new reservation status.

Next, Amended Reservation, which is a reservation that has been changed or updated. When you want to change the date of arrival, type of room, or adjustment in the number of guests, then you can ask for an emergency review.

Well, next up is the Canceled Reservation, which is the cancellation of the reservation. You can cancel the reservations that have been previously booked for several reasons that have been required, for example due to inadequate security conditions and other reasons.

The last type of reservation, there is a so-called Conference Reservation, which is a reservation that has been confirmed and will definitely be booked. Generally, payment transactions have been completed at this stage and you just need to come.

That's a review of different reservations and bookings. Hopefully this information will be useful. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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