The Location Of The Attack On The Armed Youth Group In Kemayoran Was Visited By The Police

The Kemayoran Police have checked the area of RW 10 Utan Panjang Village, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta, which was attacked by a group of motorized youths equipped with sharp weapons, Wednesday, December 4.

Check the crime scene (TKP) to follow up on a viral video of an attack by the perpetrators of the brawl.

"We are following up on a viral video of a brawl plan. Previously, a group of people carried sharp weapons but not yet a brawl. We followed up with Mr. RW 10 of Utan Panjang Village with Polsek and Koramil and other community leaders," said Kemayoran Police Chief Kompol Agung Ardiansyah when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, December 4.

In addition to checking the crime scene, the police also investigated the perpetrators of the attack.

"It is still being investigated, the perpetrator is in search," he said.

Residents of RW 10 Utan Panjang Village are advised not to join the brawl and not to be provoked. According to Kompol Agung, the brawl was categorized as a crime.

"All those who took part in the brawl were the perpetrators, there were no victims. So they all became perpetrators. Intentions to harm or affect other people, there is already an intention for persecution," he said.

The police chief hopes that the RW 10 area of Utan Panjang Village remains in a conducive condition and no local residents are involved in the brawl.

As previously reported, a group of youths equipped with sharp weapons attacked one of the residential areas on Jalan Utan Panjang Barat, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

The perpetrators visited residential areas by convoying together using motorbikes together.

The action was also recorded by a gang of brawlers with indications as a form of their existence. It was later discovered that the incident occurred on Monday, December 2.

The perpetrators stormed residential areas and gave terror by swinging sharp weapons that they carried as a result of the incident, residents of Utan Panjang, Kemayoran became restless and afraid.

"With this terror attack, residents become restless afraid to become victims of the wrong target," said Syaiful Hakim (43), a local resident, Wednesday, December 4.

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