Data On Fallen Trees According To Central Jakarta Tamhut Sub-dept.
Fallen Tree In Central Jakarta/ Photo: IST

The Central Jakarta City Parks and Forests Sub-dept. noted that to this day 48 trees have fallen and splinters (fare branches) due to heavy rains and strong winds that occurred on Monday, December 2.

"Based on the results of our team's monitoring and recapitulation, there were 48 trees that were affected, consisting of 27 splinter trees and 21 fallen trees," said Head of the Central Jakarta City Parks and Forests Sub-dept., Mila Ananda when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, December 4.

Mila said the fallen tree and splinter tree or broken branch that occurred on Monday, December 2, yesterday, were caused by rain accompanied by strong winds.

For the current handling, his party has deployed 100 PJLP personnel from the Central Jakarta Parks and Forests Sub-dept. tree handling team, Truck Team, and RTH nurse PJLP (green open space).

"Everything is under the coordination of the Mayor of Central Jakarta," he said.

Handling fallen trees and splinters is also supported by personnel from Regional Apparatus Work Units in the Central Jakarta area, namely the Environment, District Service, Village PPSU, Water Resources Sub-dept., Highways Sub-dept., Fire and Rescue Sub-dept., Civil Service Police Unit, and Transportation Service Sub-dept.

"Until today, we are still synergizing with the UKPD cross-section, the village head is under the coordination of the Kemayoran sub-district head to resolve the incidence of splinter and fallen trees in the Kemayoran sub-district," he said.

Selain itu, lanjut Mila, di Kecamatan lainnya, pihaknya masih menyisir sampah (pengorangan pohon) untuk dikirikan ke tempat pengolahan sampah di TB Simatupang yang dikelola oleh Dinas Lingkungan DKI Jakarta.

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