Quick Count And Real Count Results Meanwhile Willem Wandik-Aloysius Giyai Win In Central Papua Pilkada

JAKARTA - The results of quick count or quick count and real count while the Central Papua Pilkada placed the pair of governors and deputy governors number 04, Willem Wandik-Aloysius Giyai won with a vote of 49.9 percent.

The results of the Central Papua Pilkada quick count calculated by the Suara Indonesia Laboratory are reported to be no different from the results of the calculation of the current real count at the Central Papua KPU.

Executive Director of the Indonesian Voice Laboratory Albertus Dino said the pair Willem Wandik-Aloysius Giyai continued to lead in the calculation of real count for two regencies, Nabire and Mimika.

"In the vote acquisition based on the latest results from the KPU as of Friday, November 29, at 01.25 WIB. With the vote calculated at 36.43 percent, the quick count results 3 hours after voting showed the pair number 04, Willem Wandik-Aloysius Giyai won 49.9 percent of the vote," Albertus said in his statement, Monday, December 2.

Followed by pair number 03 Meki Nawipa-Denas Geley with 20.6 percent, pair number 01 John Wempi Wetipo-Agustinus Anggaibak won 18.7 percent, and pair number 02 Natalis Tabuni-Titus Natkime won 10.8 percent.

Meanwhile, from the results of the KPU's real count which is currently being monitored, Willem Wandik-Aloysius Giyai is far from his three rivals.

"Based on the quick count results, it is certain that Willem Wandik-Aloysius Giyai will win the Central Papua gubernatorial election," said Albertus.

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