Police Arrest 6 Teenagers With Sajam When Motorcycle Convoy Was About To Brawl
Police arrested 6 teenagers with guns who were about to fight (Rizky Sulistio/VOI)

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police Precision Pioneer Patrol Team arrested 6 motorized teenagers while in a convoy in the Pondok Randu Street area, Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

Based on the initial findings, they allegedly wanted to do a brawl. During the arrest, officers found two sharp weapons carried by teenagers, namely one sickle blades and one type of corbek.

Head of Samapta Polres Metro West Jakarta, AKBP M Hari Agung Julianto said the arrests began with reports from the public who suspected the activity of a group of youths in groups and carrying sharp weapons.

"The Precision Pioneer Patrol Team immediately responded to the report and headed to the location. When they arrived at Jalan Pondok Randu, the team found a group of youths with the characteristics according to the report. After the pursuit, they were successfully secured," said AKBP Agung when confirmed, Sunday, December 1.

During the search at the location, officers found tools that were suspected to be used for brawls. After that, the six teenagers were taken to the Cengkareng Police for further investigation.

"We appeal to the public, especially parents, to better supervise their children's activities, especially at night until the early hours of the morning. The active role of the community is very important to maintain order and security," he said.

Polres Metro Jakarta Barat juga mengapresiasi masyarakat yang proaktif melaporkan potensi gangguan keamanan di wilayahnya. Polisi terus meningkatkan patroli dan menjaga keamanan masyarakat, terutama di wilayah yang rawan aksi tawuran.

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