Social Minister Asked Prabowo To Complete Social Single Data December 2024 For National Social Assistance
Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf when met at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Tuesday (26/11/2024). BETWEEN/Minister Dwi Gayati

JAKARTA - President Prabowo Subianto asked ministers and heads of institutions to match the single socio-economic data that will be used as a policy reference to be completed in December 2024

"The president directs it to be finalized, restated, so that later the sole socio-economic data will be published," said Social Minister Saifullah Yusuf after meeting President Prabowo at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 26, which was confiscated by Antara.

The Minister of Social Affairs said that so far the population welfare data is owned by various ministries/agencies, such as the Social Welfare Single Data (DTKS) owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs, data on the Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) owned by Bappenas, as well as similar data held by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture and PT PLN.

This data matching is carried out by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) by reconciling and consolidating data from various institutions, ministries and local governments. After being matched, the data will be returned by the ministry/institution.

The President also asked his staff to finalize the social data so that the government has single data used by all ministries, institutions, and local governments in order to carry out the development process, including for poverty reduction and alleviation programs.

"It is hoped that this December will be finished. Hopefully, at least," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

This single data will also be used by the government in distributing subsidies and social assistance nationally on target.

That way, the government will have single data that is valid, accurate, and can anticipate its dynamics in the field by 2025.

"Every data, we know it is dynamic, every day someone dies, some are born, some are up in class, some are down in class, well, it will be discussed how we anticipate the dynamics," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

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