Sweeping Perpetrators Of Brawl Of Cipinang Residents Vs Bonsi, Police Secure 18 People, Sajam And Molotov
East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly and other joint apparatus/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

A total of 18 people were arrested when hundreds of joint officers from the East Jakarta Metro Police, Brimob Polda Metro Jaya, TNI to Satpol PP conducted sweeps of brawlers in 4 urban villages from Duren Sawit, Pulogadung and Jatinegara sub-districts, Friday night, November 22, 2024.

East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly said sweeping the perpetrators of this brawl was not only today. A few days earlier, his party had also arrested a number of perpetrators who were indicated to be involved in a brawl.

"A total of 18 arrested perpetrators from Cipinang Jagal and Kebon Singkong," said Kombes Nicolas at the location, Friday, November 22, evening.

The large-scale operation was completed at around 23.00 WIB. In addition to securing the perpetrators of the brawl, the joint apparatus also confiscated a number of sharp weapons of the type of sickle, cast of ducks, golf clubs, 2 sacks of glass bottles and bows and arrows.

"This evidence was prepared for a brawl. A glass bottle to make Molotov cocktails and for throwing tools during a brawl. We also found liquor, from where teenagers gathered," he said.

Kombes Nicolas said the teenager who kept the alcoholic liquor ran away when he saw the arrival of the police who were sweeping people's homes.

"When they saw us, they ran away and at the crime scene we found liquor and also motorbikes that we secured," he said.

Kombes Nicolas explained, this large-scale operation involved around 738 joint personnel from the TNI, Polri and Satpol PP.

"This sweeping is running safely, smoothly, orderly and we can find tools that are allegedly stored by children or brawlers. So our activity tonight really gets good results and this is thanks to the cooperation of all stakeholders in East Jakarta," he explained.

This large-scale and sweeping operation was carried out to create an atmosphere of a safe and conducive area ahead of the 2024 Pilkada.

"We hope that this activity can be supported by all parties in East Jakarta so that the implementation will get maximum results," he concluded.

Please note, brawls between the Kebon Singkong (Bonsi) and Cipinang Jagal areas often occur on Jalan I Gusti Ngurah Rai and the railroad line, Duren Sawit, since several weeks. Two residents of the brawl were killed.

Based on VOI records, the brawl that occurred on Sunday, November 10, 2024, there was one teenager from Jagal Village, Pulogadung District who died when he was hit by a train during a brawl.

Then the brawl that occurred on Thursday night, November 21, 2024, there was one resident with the initials TH (52), a resident of Cipinang Jagal RT 06/10, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta, who died as a result of a brawl.

Meanwhile, the East Jakarta Metro Police in the near future will make a peace declaration between residents in the 3 different sub-districts involved in the brawl.

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