Former KPK Chairman Encourages Investigation Of Said Didu's Case To Be Stopped, What's The Reason?
Said Didu fulfills the summons of Tangerang Police investigators as a witness in the alleged spread of hoax news. (Between-Azmi Samsul Maarif)

JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK Abraham Samad encourages investigations into cases of alleged hate speech with reported Said Didu should be stopped. He considered the case to be full of irregularities.

"If this case does not close, the police can be accused by the public that the police are the oligarchs," Abraham said in Tangerang, Tuesday, November 19, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said that the law enforcement officers (APH) who handled the Said Didu case needed to be careful and thorough. Because, in the investigation process, at least you must have a strong reason in handling the case.

"First, the summons of Mr. Said Didu is actually a witness, it must be cleared. But I saw that there were several investigation documents but I did not see the start of the investigation. So I think there is a problem," he said.

In addition, investigators from the Tangerang Police, Banten Police, were also reminded not to detain Said Didu.

This is reasoned because the reported party, in this case Said Didu, only had the status of a witness in the case.

"Therefore, law enforcement officers have no right, for example if they want to plan detention, because Mr. Said Didu's status is a witness. Therefore, in my opinion, after this examination, Mr. Said Didu will definitely be allowed to go home," he said.

Abraham emphasized that Said Didu's actions by expressing criticism of the national strategic project (PSN) Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) 2 are the rights of every citizen.

"What Mr. Said Didu has done is part of the obligation of citizens to exercise control, critical of the running of the government or the running of something that I think is deviant," he said.

This legal practitioner also believes that Said Didu's legal process at the Tangerang Police is part of a form of criminalization of citizens.

"According to my perspective, as a legal person, it is a fabricated case, a case that can be categorized as criminalization," he said.

Meanwhile, Said Didu has complied with the summons of the Tangerang Police investigator, the Banten Police to undergo examination as a witness in the alleged case of spreading hoax news or spreading information that incites and causes hatred.

Said Didu accompanied by a team of attorneys and community elements from the northern coastal area (Pantura) of Tangerang arrived at the Tangerang Police Headquarters Building, Tigaraksa, Tangerang Regency on Tuesday 19 November at around 11.00 WIB.

Dozens of people who accompanied the arrival of this national figure also led them to the Tangerang Police complex by holding Said Didu's defense action as enforcers of justice.

They also unfurled a number of posters and a banner that read 'We Stand With Said Didu' as a form of moral support for him.

On that occasion, Said Didu said that in this examination agenda he was ready and would cooperate in undergoing an examination of the police reports he received.

"I don't have any (preparation, ed) at all. Earlier I was only escorted by my wife and children, and they only ordered me to come back," he said.

He admitted that he did not know anything about the basis for the report submitted to the police by the reporting party. In fact, he continued, he did not know the figure of the Village Government Association (APDESI) at all.

"I don't know, I don't know. I never mentioned at all," he said.

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