Mother In Karawaci Beaten By Her Husband And Women's Friends

TANGERANG - A mother with the initials BNP was allegedly beaten by her husband, S and a female friend on Jalan Arya Santika, Margasari, Karawaci, Tangerang City, Minuggu, November 17, at 22.06 WIB.

"There has been a beating. The perpetrators (with the initials) were Men, S and SNS women," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi, Monday, November 18.

Ade Ary explained that the incident began when the victim saw S who was picking up Selly Novita Sari. On that basis, the reporter followed S to the crime scene (TKP).

"Then the reporter approached the reported S to claim the child's rights living claim. However, S responded by saying 'no'," he said.

The victim, who heard the words, was furious until finally an argument broke out between the victim and the perpetrator S and SNS.

"The beating of the complainant caused the reporter's head to feel dizzy, the reporting body felt pain and the chest felt heavy breathing," he said.

For this incident, the victim made a police report to the Tangerang City Metro Police for further action.

"This case is handled by the Tangerang Restro," he said.

The VOI team tried to contact the Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho regarding the case. However, until the news was broadcast, the person concerned was reluctant to provide information.

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