Upset Often Spat, Man In Makassar Rampage Molested 5-Year-Old Boy

MAKASSAR - Annoyed because he is often spat on and stoned, the man with the initials Sn (45) in Makassar molested a 5-year-old boy.

This case of persecution was handled by the South Sulawesi Police (South Sulawesi). The persecution occurred on Monday, April 5, in Tamangapa Street, Manggala District, Makassar. Kasubdit IV Ditreskrimum Polda Sulsel Kompol Supriyanto said the perpetrator claimed to be upset because of the actions of the boy.

According to Kompol Supriyanto, the perpetrator hit the victim. The perpetrator hit the boy's head until the victim complained about this incident.

"The police have secured an offender of child abuse. The offender was arrested after molesting a 5-year-old boy. He hit the child's head in the head," Kompol Supriyanto told reporters On Friday, April 9.

From the information received, the police moved quickly to secure the perpetrator. Police arrested the assailant. Now the perpetrator must be held accountable for his actions in the Makassar Police.

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