Denying The Bahlil Management AD/ART Canceled By The Administrative Court, Secretary General Of Golkar: New Cases Tried November 20
Secretary General Of The Golkar Party Sarmuji/DOK PHOTO: Nailin In Saroh-VOI

The Secretary General of the Golkar Party Sarmuji denied the news circulating about the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) canceling the Indonesian Minister of Law and Human Rights Decree regarding the ratification of the Golkar Party's AD/ART.

Based on detailed information on the case he obtained from the Case Tracking Information System at the Jakarta Administrative Court, the trial in question only began trial on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 with the agenda of the First Session (reading of the Plaintiff's lawsuit).

"I received a report from BakumHAM that the lawsuit has not even been tried by the panel of judges," said Sarmudji when confirmed, Thursday, November 14.

Sarmuji explained that there was no lawsuit against the cancellation of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights Decree on behalf of the plaintiff M. Ilhamsyah Ainul Mattimu. The information, he said, had also been submitted by the Secretary for Law and Human Rights of the Golkar Party DPP, Muhamad Sattu Pali.

Sarmuji said that the Jakarta Administrative Court judge who examined and tried the case Number 389/G/2024/PT.TUN.Jkt had never issued a decision, which allegedly granted the plaintiff's claim. Moreover, canceling the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the ratification of the Golkar Party's AD/ART.

Sarmuji said that his party had read and studied carefully the contents of M. Ilhamsyah Ainul Mattimu's lawsuit at the Jakarta Administrative Court. He is sure that the Jakarta Administrative Court will reject the lawsuit.

"Because legally the Indonesian Minister of Law and Human Rights in issuing the Decree on Ratification of Amendments to the Golkar Party's AD/ART has fulfilled aspects of substance, aspects of authority, and procedural aspects, and has not violated the general principles of good governance," he concluded.

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