Azerbaijan Hosts UN Climate Change Conference, COP29 Starting November 11
COP29 will be held from November 11 in Baku, Azerbaijan (

JAKARTA - The Climate Change Conference (COP29) from the United Nations will begin in Azerbaijan's capital, Baku, November 11 tomorrow.

Leaders from around the world will gather in Baku in events that will last until November 22, 2024 and aim to address the challenges of climate improvement.

"With global temperatures hitting record highs, and extreme weather events affecting people around the world, COP29 will bring together leaders from various governments, businesses and civil society to advance concrete solutions to issues that determine our times", according to the United Nations quoted from ANTARA, according to Anadolu, Sunday, November 10.

According to the United Nations, COP29's main focus is on finance, as trillions of US dollars are needed by many countries to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protecting life and livelihoods from the impact of worsening climate change.

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is a multilateral agreement set out in 1992, following a report on the first assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The main goal of UNFCCC is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations to prevent harmful human intervention against climate systems.

Since taking effect in 1994, UNFCCC has been the basis for global climate negotiations, which resulted in important agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the Paris Agreement in 2015.

Currently, 198 parties are participating in annual meetings to assess progress and draw up responses to the climate crisis.

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