Ministry Of Social Affairs Appoints Pokmas If Involved In Free Eating Program
Deputy Minister of Social Affairs Agus Jabo Priyono reviewed food assistance to the elderly and disabled in Bambu Apus Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta, on Friday (1/11/2024). (ANTARA/Lintang Budiyanti Prameswari)

Deputy Minister of Social Affairs (Wamensos) Agus Jabo Priyono stated that he would empower community groups (pokmas) if President Prabowo Subianto was later involved in the Free Nutrition Eating Program.

"We already have a prototype (standard example), yes, through this pokmas. I think later from the pokmas it will be our base (based) to do the free nutritious eating work, if it is ordered by the President," said Deputy Minister of Social Affairs Agus while visiting Bambu Apus Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta, Friday 1 November, confiscated by Antara.

Even before the free nutritious eating program was initiated, he said, the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) already had a program to provide free nutritious food to the elderly and with disabilities.

"Before the program was implemented, we had carried out through providing nutritious food to the elderly and disabled, and it was also the community themselves who carried out it. I think that, so we just have to wait for orders from the President," said the Deputy Minister of Social Affairs.

During his visit, the Deputy Minister of Social Affairs also collected aspirations from the people in East Jakarta to shop for problems, while ensuring that the Ministry of Social Affairs program runs well.

"I represent the Minister of Social Affairs in order to carry out the President's orders, namely building from below, building from the outskirts, from people who have not been lucky," said the Deputy Minister of Social Affairs.

During his visit today, the Deputy Minister of Social Affairs Agus also delivered assistance to Irfan Fahrudin (40), an intellectual person with disabilities who received food assistance with disabilities.

In addition to food, Irfan also received house repair assistance, room facilities in the form of mattresses and wardrobes, plate racks, nutrition, clothing, and personal hygiene assistance. Irfan's biological mother also received mobile ice business assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The Deputy Minister of Social Affairs also visited the house of Ar Djamaludin (77), an elderly food aid recipient. The elderly who used to work as Koran teachers received nutritional assistance, personal hygiene equipment, clothing, and room facilities.

Agus also visited the house of the child receiving the Orphan/Piatu/Yatutim Piatu (YAPI) assistance, namely Syahrul Hasibuan (16), whose mother died from COVID-19 in 2021.

YAPI assistance is given in the amount of Rp. 200,000 per month to support the fulfillment of children's needs until the age of 18. In addition to YAPI assistance, the Deputy Minister of Social Affairs also provided school equipment assistance and nutritional fulfillment assistance to Syahrul.

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