Minister Of Health Asks Dharmais Hospital To Improve Cancer Early Detection Service
Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin at the 31st Anniversary of Dharmais Cancer Hospital at Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta, Wednesday (30/10/2024). (ANTARA/Rizka Khaerunnisa)

Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin asked Dharmais Cancer Hospital (RS) to participate in improving the cancer service treatment program in Indonesia so as to prevent the fatality rate through early detection of cancer.

For early detection of breast cancer, Budi said that his party had prepared ultrasound equipment distributed to 10,000 health centers in 514 districts/cities. However, what is still a challenge is providing training to general practitioners at the puskesmas to be able to carry out early detection services for cancer.

Of the 10 thousand (USG), I see that the last 6 thousand (USG which is equipped with a linear probe). But even 6 thousand important things for me, ask (to Dharmais Hospital) the doctor must be trained to check, because breast cancer checks are different from checking the baby's content. The ultrasound tool is similar to the advanced stethoscope, it can be used for diagnosis of various types of diseases and is now available at the puskesmas," Budi said at the commemoration of the 31st Anniversary of Dharmais Cancer Hospital in Jakarta, Wednesday, October 30, confiscated by Antara.

In addition to the distribution of special ultrasound, he said that the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) also distributed mammographic devices to district/city level hospitals in 514 districts/cities for final breast cancer diagnostics.

"We are also starting to distribute tools for anatomical pathology tests to 514 districts/cities. So if there is breast cancer, it is dipsumption, it has also begun. We have also distributed a lot of tools for treatment cancer such as chemotherapy which previously could only be in a few cities, starting next year it will be distributed in 514 districts/cities. (Alat) expensive radiotherapy in 34 provinces, "said Budi.

With the special ultrasound equipment at puskesmas-puskesmas, he said, it is hoped that breast cancer patients do not have to queue for long waiting times at large hospitals such as Dharmais Cancer Hospital.

When indications were found in the patient, Budi asked health workers to ensure that there was a further diagnostic process at the district/city hospital so that patients could get biopsy services. Therefore, anatomical pathology specialists must also be ensured to be available in district/city hospitals.

The next stage, district/city hospitals are also expected to provide treatment to breast cancer patients at least with chemotherapy or surgery or surgery.

Budi emphasized the importance of patient journey starting from the early detection of optimal cancer. He advised Dharmais Cancer Hospital to develop a patient journey by distributing education to women in Indonesia to realize the importance of early detection of breast cancer.

He realized that there are still many people who are afraid to carry out early detection checks. Budi also reminded the public to dare to undergo breast cancer screening because treatment in the early stages is easier to do than further stages which require more complex treatment at a higher cost.

The cancer must be detected early, better than being caught late. If it's late, the fatality rate is very high. If caught early, actually cancer can be treated now. Only friends must be brave. You have to feel comfortable if screening is caught in cancer, that's okay. It's better to screen early than be afraid and then you don't get caught and you know it's late," said Budi.

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