BNI Supports Air Talk Program For Improved Clean Air Quality In Indonesia
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JAKARTA - Non-profit organizations that focus on education and advocacy for improving air quality in Indonesia, Air Talks, are committed to continuing to provide education to the public and fighting for advocacy to the government for clean air and a healthier environment. This is in line with the support and collaboration carried out with PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI).

Novita Natalia, Co-Founder of Air Talks, revealed that with the support of BNI, Air Talks can accelerate various initiatives to improve the cleaner air quality in Indonesia.

"This collaboration strengthens our mission to provide education and advocacy for the community to face the challenges of air pollution. With this support, we are optimistic that this joint effort will have a significant positive impact on the health and quality of life of the community," said Novita in a written statement, quoted Friday, October 25.

On that basis, Novita expressed her appreciation for BNI's support. With support from the private sector such as BNI, the Air Talk program is expected to inspire more people to participate in maintaining air quality, as well as encouraging real action to create a healthier and more sustainable environment.

"We really appreciate BNI's full support in Air Talk programs. This collaboration allows us to continue to expand education regarding the importance of clean air quality, especially for communities and families in Indonesia. With this collaboration, we believe that public awareness will increase, and real steps can be taken to create a healthier and more sustainable environment," said Novita.

BNI's collaboration programs by Air include the launch of an educational module entitled "Prolific Generation must be aware of air pollution", which aims to raise public awareness about the importance of clean air quality in Indonesia. This module was launched at the Momtastic event which was held on September 29, 2024, in Jakarta, which involved the community of mothers and the wider community.

BNI also supports the implementation of the Blue Talks event held by Air Talks at the 2024 The Sustainability X Experience (TSX) event on October 5, 2024, as part of a campaign to increase awareness of the quality of clean air. This program involves panel discussions and presentations from various environmental experts, with the aim of providing more insight to the public regarding steps that can be taken to reduce the impact of air pollution.

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