Women Become The New Trend Of Perpetrators Of Terrorism, Former Terrorists: They Are More Militant
Illustration (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Former terrorist convict Haris Amir Falah said there was a shift in the movement of the terror group. One of them is targeting women to be prepared as perpetrators.

Women, in the eyes of terrorist groups, are considered to be more militant in carrying out their actions than men.

"Now the trend is women. Even from my findings in the field, women are more militant than men", said Haris in an online discussion broadcast on YouTube, Saturday, April 3.

He explained, this trend is very different from the movement of terrorist groups in the previous year. In 2010, they never involved women and children in attacks.

This condition is reversed at this time. According to Haris, now many women are inviting their husbands to join in terrorist acts.

"Many husbands come, not because their husbands are inviting their wives but their wives are inviting their husbands", he said.

Furthermore, Haris revealed that there were fatwas from the most dangerous terrorist groups and networks. As a result, many perpetrators were seen moving alone or lone wolf as happened at the National Police Headquarters.

The fatwa, said Haris, allowed the perpetrator to act without having to get permission from his parents or husband.

"They have been accused that in Indonesia it is another fatwa. What happens, in the end, is like yesterday, women can do jihad, even children can do it without the permission of their parents. The wife does not need permission from her husband. A person in a group does not have to have the same permission from their leader", he explained.

"That is the most dangerous fatwa. As long as it is still believed, it will continue to emerge", concluded Haris

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