Perpetrators Who Raise Sajam Are Not Secured, Only Given A Warning Letter
The motorbike used by the 3rd perpetrator /

The police are following up on the action of a group of people brandishing sharp weapons on Jalan Sholeh Iskandar, Tanah Sareal, Bogor City.

The Head of Bogor City Police, Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso, said the action was based on videos spread over several Friday, September 27. As a result, three people were identified.

The 3 perpetrators had the initials RFS (14) MM (14) and KT (14).

"The motorbikes they were riding were hit by a 2-wheeled Honda type beat no pol F 6510 AAS," Bismo said in his statement, Sunday, September 29.

On that basis, his party conducted an investigation into the location where the 3 children lived. This is based on the address of the owner of the motorbike.

"At that time, I met the owner of the motorbike and the head of the opsnal team and members (Aiptu Wisnu) to show the viral video about the speeding - speeding while brandishing a knife on Jalan Sholeh Iskandar, after being seen and observed by the owner of the motorbike, he recognized that the one on the motorbike was his nephew with the initials KT whose status was still a student," he said.

Then call a man with the initials KT. Then, he admitted that there had been a brawl between schools and involved two of his friends MM and RFS.

After that, pick up the 2 children with different addresses and at that time and help with Rt and youth leaders were collected by the children and their parents.

"They agreed that the child's actions were in accordance with the viral video promising not to repeat the brawl," he said.

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