Vice President Ensures That The Government Commits To Realizing 99.5 Percent Of Indonesian Workers Protected By Jamsostek 2045
Vice President Ma'ruf Amin handed over the Award for the Paritrana Award which actively contributes to the expansion of the employment social security coverage in Jakarta, Thursday (21/9/2024). (ANTARA/Andi Firdaus)

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said the government is committed to realizing 99.5 percent of workers in Indonesia to be protected by the Employment Social Security (Jamsostek) program in 2045, including the protection of vulnerable workers.

"I hope that by 2045, 99.5 percent of workers in Indonesia will be fully protected," said the Vice President while attending the 2024 Paritrana Award Award Award at Plaza BP Jamsostek, South Jakarta, Thursday, September 12, which was confiscated by Antara.

In the context of preparations for Indonesia Gold 2045, the Vice President highlighted human development through labor reform as one of the main pillars.

"The employment social security protection program is a tangible manifestation of the presence of the state in providing protection and welfare for workers and their families," he said.

With the number of workers estimated at 142 million people by 2024, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin expressed the government's commitment to continue to increase the universal scope of employment social security.

Until now Jamsostek has provided protection to 39.2 million workers, 2.8 million of whom are vulnerable workers who are prone to falling back into extreme poverty.

In addition, the Vice President also emphasized the importance of protection for vulnerable workers, such as farmers, fishermen, marbots, street vendors, and religious officers, who often face emergency financial conditions.

The government is expected to play an active role in ensuring that every worker becomes an active participant in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, through optimizing the Jamsostek program and efforts to accelerate the elimination of extreme poverty.

According to Ma'ruf, the active role of local governments to the village and sub-district levels is very crucial in achieving this goal.

Furthermore, the Vice President explained strategic steps to strengthen the Employment Social Security program. "First, maximize the budget allocation for the protection of vulnerable workers," he said.

The Vice President invited all local governments to develop real impact programs and innovation in its implementation as an effort to increase the achievement of universal coverage of Employment Social Security every year.

"Make sure existing regulations and policies can support the acceleration of the protection of poor, vulnerable, and underprivileged workers, so that extreme poverty can fall immediately," he said.

The Vice President underlined the need for innovation in BPJS Employment services to expand access and ease of registration throughout Indonesia.

The Vice President emphasized the importance of digitizing and improving information technology systems so that services reach not only big cities, but also remote areas.

He encourages increased education and socialization regarding the benefits of employment social security so that the public understands the rights and benefits of this program.

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