Two 17-Year-Old Teenagers Arrested After Killing Opponents With Sickles In Palmerah, West Jakarta
Sharp weapons of the type of sickle used by the perpetrators to injure opponents of brawls in Palmerah, West Jakarta/ Photo; IST

Two stabbing perpetrators with the initials SI (17) and TF (16) were arrested by the West Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, September 10. The two suspects were arrested for being proven to have killed the victim DN (19) on Jalan Taman Semangka, Palmerah District, West Jakarta.

West Jakarta Metro Police Deputy Chief, AKBP Teuku Arsya Khadafi said the case was triggered by a brawl between the "Taskboard" group that joined the "Gang Buaya" against the "Selebritis 02" group that joined the "Kebon Ginger".

This brawl incident was previously planned through social media. The two groups have challenged each other and arranged a meeting for a brawl at the location they have agreed on.

"Victim DN (19) died after the clashes due to 2 stab wounds to the right and left necks," said AKBP Teuku Arsya when confirmed, Tuesday, September 10.

The victim died due to stab wounds with a depth of 3 cm and a length of about 15 cm. In their actions, they also often change the name of the group and social media accounts.

AKBP Teuku Arsya appealed to the public regarding the issue of brawls, which is the responsibility of many parties, not only the police.

"The role of parents, teachers, community leaders, religious leaders is very much needed to anticipate similar incidents so that they don't happen again," he said.

Head of the West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Akbp Andri Kurniawan, added that the incident began when the group of victims, namely the alliance "Tasks" and "Gang Buaya," sent messages via Instagram to a group of opponents named "Selebritis 02" and "Kebon Ginger".

The two groups also gathered at the location that had been determined by carrying sharp weapons. At around 02.30 WIB, a brawl occurred on Jalan Semangka. Victim DN, who was at the forefront of his group, was involved in a duel with the perpetrator SI.

However, when he felt defeated, the victim tried to save himself. However, the perpetrators of SI and TF chased the victim.

SI attacked the victim with a large sickle, followed by TF which threw a corbek at the victim's neck, causing severe injuries. Although the victim had tried to escape, he finally fell and was declared dead.

The perpetrator fled to North Cikarang, West Java, and was finally arrested. To account for their actions, the two perpetrators were charged with Article 170 paragraph 2 of the 3rd Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 12 years in prison.

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