721 Children Victims Of Malpractice At London Hospital, Amputated To Natural Feet Next To Feet
Illustration of medical treatment carried out by doctors and health workers at the hospital. (Unsplash)

JAKARTA - A total of 721 children experienced suspected malpractice at the Great Ormond Street Hospital (RS). The victims suffered from serious illness after being treated by surgeons from the hospital located in north London, England.

Citing Metro.co.uk, Monday, September 9, the findings of hundreds of children who were victims of malpractice were based on an investigation by The Sunday Times which stated that there was an inconsistency in the handling of an orthopedic surgeon consultant who had worked for years at the hospital.

According to the newspaper, at least 22 pediatric patients were seriously injured.

Of the total victims, a child was forced to have his leg amputated. Others have been scheduled for an amputation of one part of his limbs.

Other pediatric patients experience different legs between left and right, some even reach 20 cm.

The youngest victim is thought to have only been four months old during surgery.

Of the 37 cases reviewed by Great Ormond Street officials, so far 13 children have suffered serious impacts, meaning they have suffered the impact of malpractice for life.

A father said that his son underwent surgery and leg decay procedures carried out by a surgeon at the Great Ormond Street Hospital's 'bottom leg reconstruction service' in 2021.

The child's leg distancing operation was carried out with total anesthetic, then his leg bone was broken by surgery, then a metal pen or screw was inserted.

Metal shells, such as Ilizarov, are mounted on screws in the bone. Later it will 'break' a broken bone for several months. This creates a gap that continues to grow between the ends of the cut bone, which heals to form a new bone, so that the legs become longer.

"After a few days, the frame became loose and my son was in pain," the father told The Sunday Times.

"You can feel the bones in your feet, which don't feel in a place like they're not aligned and stand out in the wrong direction," he continued.

The father said he had filed an official complaint against what his son was facing, but the hospital did not give any response at all.

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