Water Crisis Begins To Influence Padi Agriculture In South Sulawesi
Illustration - An agricultural area that uses a water pump to overcome the water crisis. (Between/ Suriani Mappong)

JAKARTA - The agricultural sector, especially rice plants, has started a water crisis in the Maros, Makassar, Sungguminasata and Takalar areas, South Sulawesi.

"Water has decreased in irrigation canals, so we use bore wells and then the water is pumped to flow rice fields," said one of the farmers, Daeng Tobo in Bontosunggu Village, Bajeng District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

He said that the rice plants are currently three weeks old and require a lot of water, therefore the drill wells made around the rice fields are what the water uses.

Similar conditions were also recognized, farmers in Biringkanayya District, Makassar City, Abdul Haris.

He said, to flow one plot of rice fields covering an area of one hectare usually pumps water 7-12 hours a day.

Usually use pertalite fuel oil (BBM) to run pump machines.

"At least in a day it takes about 7 - 15 liters, depending on the length of use. Meanwhile, the price of fuel is quite expensive for us," he said.

While a farmer in Bantimurung District, Maros Regency, Basir chose to plant crops in the planting season III this year. The reason is, palawija doesn't really need water much like rice plants.

He said the plants chosen were watermelons, some farmers chose to plant ijo beans and corn.

Head of the Makassar City Fisheries and Agriculture Service Evy Apriati said, during the planting season III, the dry season usually enters the rainy season or is known as the transition season.

It's just that, if the dry season is quite long, then farmers will have difficulty with water for their plants.

Therefore, it is advisable to plant Palawija which does not require a lot of water compared to rice plants.

"But if you choose a palawija plant, usually the price drops at harvest. Meanwhile, it can last a long time, because of that, we choose rice plants, although every day we have to pump water and spend additional costs," said Daeng Tobo.

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