Sri Mulyani Shares Stories Of Attending Pope Francis Dialogue, Receiving Two Cool Messages
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani. with Pope Francis at the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Thursday 5 September 2024 (@smindrawati)

JAKARTA - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati shared her story with the opportunity to meet directly with Pope Francis. This meeting was held in a cross- faith dialogue on Pope Francis' visit to the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Thursday, September 5.

"This morning, the opportunity was present in a dialogue across faith together with His Majesty Sri Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque, Prof. Dr. KH Nasaruddin Umar. This is part of a series of apolytholic visits by Sri Pope Francis to Indonesia in recent days," said Sri Mulyani, from her official Instagram upload @smindrawati, quoted by VOI.ID Friday, September 6.

According to Sri Mulyani, the Istiqlal Mosque is a special place for dialogue across faith. This is because Istiqlal's location is directly connected to the Santa Maria Cathedral and lifted to Heaven through a friendship tunnel or friendship.

"The symbol which means two places of worship are not only facing each other, but also being connected. The manifestation is a real brotherhood across the faith of the Indonesian people," he said.

Sri Mulyani then told that in the dialogue she picked up two noble messages conveyed by Pope Francis, namely related to uniting differences and creating peace.

"First, to always look deeply so that we can find what brings everything back behind all the differences. Understanding what flows in our lives, finding that we are all brothers on this earth," he said.

"Second, to always maintain ties. Don't want to be divided just because of the different doctrines and dodomes. Differences actually exist so that we get to know each other, build bridges of friendship, together defend human dignity in achieving peace," he continued.

Finally, Sri Mulyani said that the most valuable property for a nation is the will so that differences do not become a reason to fight, but are aligned in harmony and mutual respect.

"Thank you for the messages in this soothing cross faith meeting, Your Honor Sri Paus Fransiskus," he concluded.

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