Jokowi Values Pope Francis' Visit To Send Strong Messages Of The Importance Of Indonesian Diversity
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accepts the leadership of Catholics Pas Fransiskus at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta (Indonesia Papal Visit Committee)

JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo assessed that the visit of the supreme leader of the Catholic Church Sri Pope Francis to Indonesia had a strong message of the importance of diversity.

"This visit has a very strong message about the meaning of celebrating differences," said President Jokowi in his remarks at the Pope Francis meeting with the Diplomatic Corps and community representatives at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 4.

The President told Pope Francis that Indonesia is a pluralistic country consisting of various ethnicities, namely as many as 714 ethnic groups and 17,000 inhabited islands.

According to the President, Indonesians on the 17,000 islands have different cultures, religions, and ethnic groups so that the Indonesian people also continue to strive to maintain harmony in the midst of their diversity.

For Indonesia, said the Head of State, differences are a gift, while tolerance is a fertilizer for unity and peace as a nation.

"Indonesia is very lucky to have Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika so that they can live in harmony," said President Jokowi.

The President invites the spirit of peace and tolerance that is what cools Indonesia and the Vatican to spread, especially in the midst of an increasingly volatile world.

Before closing his remarks, the President also invited Indonesians and the Vatican to celebrate their differences, to accept and strengthen tolerance for the sake of realizing peace, and to create a better world for all mankind.

After carrying out a series of state activities at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, the Pope whose real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio is scheduled to have a private meeting with members of the Jesuit Union at the Nunciantura Apostolic of the Vatican Embassy Office in Jakarta.

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