The Perpetrators Of The Stabbing In Johar Baru Are Known To Be Close People, The Nephew Of The RT
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JAKARTA - The perpetrator of the stabbing on Jalan Kampung Rawa, Gang Sadigo, Jalan Baladewa Kiri, Kampung Rawa Village, Johar Baru District, Central Jakarta, is known as a close person in the neighborhood with the victim.

"They only have one RT left. The perpetrator is still the nephew of the RT," said Johar Baru Police Chief, Kompol Syaiful Anwar to reporters, Monday, September 2.

When checking the crime scene, the perpetrator fled. The perpetrator is known to live in the vicinity of the incident.

"The victim was attacked with a machete and had fended off. The victim was injured in both hands," he said.

Meanwhile, the police cannot yet identify the motive for the stabbing. Police are still digging up the statements of witnesses.

"While the motive is not yet known. The initial information from the family, the child is a bit crazy, only we haven't determined that yet," he said.

Until this news was written, the perpetrator was still being chased by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Johar Baru Police.

Previously, a man became a victim of persecution by his colleague on Jalan Kampung Rawa, Gang Sadigo, Jalan Baladewa Kiri, Kampung Rawa Village, Johar Baru District, Central Jakarta.

The victim with the initials RH (33), a resident of Tanah Tinggi Flat, suffered stab wounds to his hands as a result of being slashed by a machete by the perpetrator named Holik.

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