The attorney for the defendant Harvey Moeis, Junaedi Saibih, claimed that in cooperation with PT Timah with a number of smelter companies facilitated by his client did not cause any harm.
This is based on the testimony of witnesses presented in the trial of the alleged corruption case in the management of tin commodity trading in the mining business permit (IUP) area at PT Timah Tbk for the 2015-2022 period, pads Thursday, August 29.
The witnesses presented were the Director of Operations and Production of PT Timah Tbk 2020-2021 Agung Pratama; Finance Director of PT Timah Tbk Fina Eliani; Head of Accounting Division of PT Timah Tbk 2017-2019 Aim Syafei; Head of Accounting Division of PT Timah Tbk Dian Safitri; and Head of Accounting Division of PT Timah Tbk Erwan Sudarto.
"The program in collaboration with private smelters provides profit," said Juaedi to reporters, Friday, August 30.
According to him, the facts of the trial from witness testimony, Dian Safitri, in detail, the Cost of Production Basic Prices (HPP) showed that there was a PT Timah smelter whose merger fee in 2019 was USD 5900/ton, which was postponed.
"This value is higher than the cost of the smelter rental cooperation," said Junaedi.
This statement is in line with the testimony of the witness of the Head of the Accounting Division of PT Timah Tbk 2017-2019, Aim Syafei, who showed that the smelter rental cooperation program was still profitable.
Even if there were losses recorded in PT Timah's financial statements in the 2019 and 2020 periods, it was explained in the Aim Investigation Report (BAP), the loss arose due to the financial cost burden, not caused by the smelter cooperation program.
In 2019, PT Timah recorded a interest fee of IDR 554.67 billion, a bond cost of IDR 166.29 billion, a foreign exchange loss of IDR 52.84 billion and a bank provision of IDR 7.87 billion.
The same burden also occurred in 2020 where PT Timah posted an interest expense of IDR 384.77 billion, a bond cost of IDR 220.41 billion and an interest expense related to rent of IDR 2.17 billion.
"In fact, with there being cooperation (with private boundaries), the losses suffered by PT Timah are getting smaller," he continued.
The proof is, in the 2018-2021 range, the tin mining issuer managed to pocket a special profit for this smelter cooperation program with a total acquisition of Rp966,190 billion or almost Rp1 trillion. The data is also stated in BAP Aim Syafei.
Harvey Moeis was charged with causing state financial losses of Rp. 300.003 trillion related to the alleged corruption case in the management of tin commodity trading in the Mining Business Permit (IUP) area at PT Timah Tbk in 2015-2022.
In the indictment addressed to him, Harvey was mentioned along with a number of other defendants, including crazy rich Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) Helena Lim, President Director of PT Refined Bangka Tin since 2018 Suparta, to Director of Business Development of PT Refined Bangka Tin since 2017 Reza Andriansyah.
Harvey and Helena received Rp420 billion. Thus, Sandra Dewi's husband is suspected of violating Article 2 paragraph 1 or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of the Corruption Eradication Law (UU Tipikor) in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.
Then, he was also charged with committing the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) as regulated and threatened with crime in Article 3 or 4 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.
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17 July 2023, 19:36