Constitutional Court Ready To Face Anwar Usman's Appeal On Jakarta Administrative Court Decision
Spokesman For The Constitutional Court Fajar Laksono/ANTARA/Fath Putra Mulya

JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) is ready to face the appeal of Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman on the decision of the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) regarding the case for the appointment of Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Suhartoyo.

"Of course the Constitutional Court is also the defendant preparing itself. What will be conveyed later [Anwar Usman], that's what we respond to," said MK spokesman Fajar Laksono as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 28.

Fajar said that the Constitutional Court as the defendant in the case did not file an appeal.

"No. Yesterday it didn't become an appeal, it turned out that Mr. Anwar Usman was the one who appealed, so yes, that's it, we will face it," he said.

The Constitutional Court before reading the full copy of the verdict and legal considerations of the Jakarta Administrative Court panel of judges, had stated that they would file an appeal. The agreement to file an appeal is the result of a panel of judges' deliberation (RPH) on Wednesday (14/8).

"At that time, before reading the verdict in its entirety. We have not read the description ratio. In fact, then, we want to carry out the decision by carrying out the decisions of the Administrative Court, but then the latest developments, the plaintiff (Anwar Usman) appeal, yes, of course we have to follow the mechanism," said Fajar.

Fajar said the Constitutional Court's internal legal team would wait and study the memorandum of appeal filed by Anwar Usman.

On the other hand, he also ensured that there was no conflict between constitutional judges.

"There is no [conflict], everything is going. Road hearings, road RPHs, decisions are decided," he said.

Previously, Anwar Usman filed an appeal against the Jakarta Administrative Court's decision to partially grant his claim for Suhartoyo's appointment as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court for the 2023'2028 Period.

Anwar Usman's appeal was filed on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. He was represented by attorney Franky Maverick Simbolon.

The comparison (of the plaintiff) Prof. Dr. Anwar Usman, SH, MH, was quoted as saying from the Jakarta Administrative Court Case Tracing Information System (SIPP) page.

It is known that the Jakarta Administrative Court in the verdict Number 604/G/2023/PTUN.JKT granted Anwar Usman's lawsuit in part. The Jakarta Administrative Court declared Suhartoyo's appointment as chairman of the Constitutional Court to be canceled or invalid.

Anwar Usman's request to restore his dignity as a constitutional judge as before was also granted. However, the Jakarta Administrative Court did not accept Anwar Usman's request to be re-used as chairman of the Constitutional Court.

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