Inaugurating Hospital, Jokowi Calls Mother's Death Born In Indonesia Ranking 9 Out Of 10
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) (Doc: State Secretariat)

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Sardjito Hospital's Mother and Child Health Service Building (RS) Yogyakarta in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Wednesday, August 28, 2024.

"By saying Bismillairrahmanirrahim, this morning I inaugurate the Health Service Building of the mother and child of the Sardjito Hospital in Yogyakarta in Sleman Regency, DIY Province," President Jokowi said in his remarks quoted by ANTARA.

President Jokowi revealed that the number of maternal deaths in Indonesia was ranked ninth out of 10 countries in ASEAN. Meanwhile, child mortality is in seventh place out of 10 countries in ASEAN.

For this reason, the Head of State appreciates the construction of the Sardjito Yogyakarta Mother and Child Health Service Building which spent a budget of IDR 267 billion.

"The Mother and Child Health Building of Sardjito Hospital is eight floors, spending a budget of Rp. 267 billion in buildings and equipment of Rp. 240 billion plus to prepare for human resources of Rp. 50 billion," said the President.

President Jokowi also appreciated the medical equipment provided in the building which he considered very modern.

"Earlier I entered to see that the equipment is all very modern digital and very modern. I think this will be an example of how the management of a controlled hospital is all digital. If we enter, it's also not like a hospital, it's like entering a five-star hotel. Ladies and gentlemen, please go in and see for yourself, I'm surprised," said President Jokowi.

According to the President, there will be a total of 12 hospitals throughout the country that will be inaugurated with standards such as the Sardjito Yogyakarta Mother and Child Health Service Building.

"So there will be 12 hospitals throughout the country that we will immediately inaugurate with standards such as hospitals that I just told the Mother and Child Health Services Building of Sardjito Hospital," said President Jokowi.

The President also hopes that with the inauguration of the Mother and Child Health Service Building, Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, health services for mothers and children will be better.

"So that we can reduce the mortality of mothers and children, we minimize it as little as possible," said President Jokowi.

The inauguration of the Mother and Child Health Service Building at Sardjito Hospital in Yogyakarta was marked by the pressing of the siren button and the signing of the inscription by President Jokowi.

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